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    【EBG】The Suitcase_Naylor-Ballesteros, Chris

    作者: Naylor-Ballesteros,Chris
    出版社: HoughtonMifflin
    ISBN: 9780358329602
    付款方式: 7-11付款取貨、Web ATM、信用卡一次付清
    • i郵箱純取貨  
      - 1~10本運費 $60 $40
      - 11本以上請分筆下單
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      -運費 $55
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      -運費 $60
    • 宅配/貨運/郵寄
      -運費 $120
    • 外島
      -運費 $120
    原價: 419
    售價: 369
    商品編號: O_U102647124






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    書況補充說明: B自然泛黃書斑、髒污。








    [商品主貨號] U102647124

    [ISBN-13碼] 9780358329602

    [ISBN] 0358329604

    [作者] Naylor-Ballesteros, Chris

    [出版社] Houghton Mifflin

    [出版日期] 2020/09/29

    [裝訂/規格] 精裝 / 32頁 / 普通級 / 初版

    [內容簡介] (出版商制式文字, 不論標題或內容簡介是否有標示, 請都以『沒有附件、沒有贈品』為參考。)

    A powerful story about immigration, trust, and new beginnings, full of heart and humanity, for anyone who has ever felt unwelcome or out of place. Perfect for fans of Allen Say, Francesca Sanna, and Yuyi Morales.

    When a weary stranger arrives one day, with only a suitcase, everyone is full of questions:

    Why is he here?

    Where has he come from?

    And just what is in that suitcase?

    To learn the answers, they can either trust the newcomer or discover what they risk by not believing him.

    A story about hope and kindness, truth and perception--and most importantly, about how we treat those in need.

    "At a time when over 65 million people are forcibly displaced around the world, this beautifully illustrated and wise, gentle tale of tolerance and kindness for fellow humans resonates deeply. I hope all parents share The Suitcase with their children." - Khaled Hosseini, author of The Kite Runner

    "A simple, powerful way to introduce the idea of kindness to strangers to young children" - Axel Scheffler, illustrator of The Gruffalo

    Chris Naylor-Ballesteros is a picture book creator who lives in France. chrisnaylorballesteros.com.)


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