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    【JKQ】I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie_Jackson, Alison/ Schach

    作者: Jackson,Alison/Schachner,JudithByron(ILT)
    出版社: PuffinBooks
    ISBN: 9780140565959
    付款方式: 7-11付款取貨、Web ATM、信用卡一次付清
    • i郵箱純取貨  
      - 1~10本運費 $60 $40
      - 11本以上請分筆下單
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      -運費 $60
    • 宅配/貨運/郵寄
      -運費 $120
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      -運費 $120
    原價: 169
    售價: 69
    商品編號: O_U102128324






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    書況補充說明: C字跡、外圍磨損、髒污、泛黃書斑、書章。








    [商品主貨號] U102128324

    [ISBN-13碼] 9780140565959

    [ISBN] 0140565957

    [作者] Jackson, Alison/ Schachner, Judith Byron (ILT)

    [出版社] Puffin Books

    [出版日期] 2002/09/16

    [內容簡介] (出版商制式文字, 不論標題或內容簡介是否有標示, 請都以『沒有附件、沒有贈品』為參考。)

    I know an old lady who swallowed a pie, a Thanksgiving pie, which was really too dry.

    And with that the feast begins After the pie the old lady swallows a whole squash, all of the salad, and the entire turkey As Mother and Father watch in shock, the two children are delighted to see the old lady growing fatter and fatter. And, in the end, the old lady makes a surprising and humorous contribution to the holiday festivities.

    Jackson draws on some traditional Thanksgiving foods to give a familiar rhyme new zing. Schachner's exuberant, cartoon-style illustrations . . . catch the comedy splendidly --Booklist

    Schachner's watercolor illustrations are absolutely delightful. Children will find lots to examine and enjoy in these expressive pictures, particularly the repeated appearances of the woman's fluffy white cat. --School Library Journal

    Alison Jackson is the award-winning author of many picture books and novels including I Know an Old Lady who Swallowed a Pie, If the Shoe Fits, and Eggs Over Evie. She lives in Salinas, California.

    Best known for her Skippyjon Jones series, Judy Schachner has illustrated many of her own stories, including the much-loved Grannyman and its companion book, Bits & Pieces. She lives in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania)


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