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    【J4G】Consumer Behaviour 2e_Evans, Martin M./ Foxall, Gordon R./ Jamal

    作者: Evans,MartinM./Foxall,GordonR./Jamal,Ahmad
    出版社: JohnWiley&Sons
    ISBN: 9780470994658
    付款方式: 7-11付款取貨、Web ATM、信用卡一次付清
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      - 1~10本運費 $60 $40
      - 11本以上請分筆下單
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    原價: 2699
    售價: 179
    商品編號: O_U102309369





    【AK7】惜地:中區慈濟志工環保口述歷史_曾益冰, 張玉妹, 黃翠玉, 劉榮欽, 許國連, 柯國壽, 林淑嬌, 邱淑姿, 簡珠香, 黃國忠
    【DVX】Money&You 我愛錢更愛你_林偉賢
    【LBV】雷曼啟示錄_鍾玉玨等, 羅倫斯‧麥
    【EVO】Money&You 我愛錢更愛你_林偉賢

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    書況補充說明: B自然泛黃書斑、髒污。








    [商品主貨號] U102309369

    [ISBN-13碼] 9780470994658

    [ISBN] 0470994657

    [作者] Evans, Martin M./ Foxall, Gordon R./ Jamal, Ahmad

    [出版社] John Wiley & Sons

    [出版日期] 2009/06/01

    [內容簡介] (出版商制式文字, 不論標題或內容簡介是否有標示, 請都以『沒有附件、沒有贈品』為參考。)

    Consumer behaviour is the study of how, where, when and why we conduct the exchange elements of our lives to satisfy our needs and desires. It is fundamental to marketing as marketing is concerned with supplying and anticipating customer requirements; therefore understanding how customers behave is at the very heart of the marketing concept.

    Consumer Behaviour, 2nd Edition is more 'student centred' than the competition, manifested in the use of cases and exercises to be used in participative and applied ways, reflecting the clear trend towards student centred and application-based marketing courses.


    Coverage of consumer buying behaviour from a marketing, rather than a behavioural science perspective

    The addition of new journal articles from a range of journals.

    Martin Evans is a Senior Fellow at Cardiff Business School, having been Head of Marketing and Strategy there. He previously held professorial posts at the Universities of Portsmouth, Glamorgan and West of England. His industrial experience was with Hawker Siddeley and then as a consultant to a variety of organizations over 30 years. Martin’s specialist areas include direct marketing, consumer behaviour, and marketing research and information and he has over 180 publications including nine books, mostly in these areas. He is an academic prizewinner at the International Marketing communications Conference, the Academy of Marketing, the Learning and Teaching Support Network (ITSN) and Institute of Direct Marketing. He is a Fellow of both the Chartered Institute of Marketing and Institute of Direct Marketing. He has Editorial Board experience for eight academic journals and was founding and managing Editor of the Journal of Consumer Behaviour. Martin has discussed his research on both radio and TV.

    Ahmad Jamal is a Senior Lecturer in Marketing and Strategy and the Coordinator for the Ethnic Marketing Research Group and Programme Director for the MSC in Strategic Marketing at Cardiff Business School. He holds a PhD in Consumer Behaviour from the University of Bradford. Ahmad is a former Deputy Secretary of the Academy of Marketing UK, a member of Association of Consumer Research, European Academy of Marketing and a Senior Examiner for the Chartered Institute of Marketing. He also acts as the Vice President for Western Europe, the Academy for Global Business Advancement (AGBA) and is the Managing Editor for Journal of Global Business Advancement. His research interests include cross-cultural consumer behaviour, self-concept, service quality, brand evaluations and customer satisfaction, and he has published widely in leading academic journals. His major areas of teaching include consumer behaviour, advertising and other forms of marketing communications.

    Gordon Foxall is a Distinguished Research Professor at Cardiff University. His chief research interests lie in psychological theories of consumer choice and consumer innovativeness and their relationships to marketing management and strategy. He has published some 16 books and over 250 articles and papers on these and related themes and has previously held professorial appointments at the Universities of Strathclyde, Birmingham and Keele. He is a Fellow of both the British Psychological Society (FBPsS) and the British Academy of Management (FBAM) and was recently elected an Academician by the Academy of Learned Societies for the Social Sciences (AcSS).)


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