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    【KTE】Have You Seen My Cat?_Carle, Eric

    作者: Carle,Eric
    出版社: AladdinPaperbacks
    ISBN: 9780689817311
    付款方式: 7-11付款取貨、Web ATM、信用卡一次付清
    • i郵箱純取貨  
      - 1~10本運費 $60 $40
      - 11本以上請分筆下單
    • 7-11付款取貨
      -運費 $60
    • 宅配/貨運/郵寄
      -運費 $120
    • 外島
      -運費 $120
    原價: 179
    售價: 149
    商品編號: O_U102339641






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    書況補充說明: D多處摺頁標籤、水痕、字跡、破損、髒污、泛黃書斑、書章。








    [商品主貨號] U102339641

    [ISBN-13碼] 9780689817311

    [ISBN] 0689817312

    [作者] Carle, Eric

    [出版社] Aladdin Paperbacks

    [出版日期] 1997/09/01

    [內容簡介] (出版商制式文字, 不論標題或內容簡介是否有標示, 請都以『沒有附件、沒有贈品』為參考。)

    A little boy’s cat is missing, and he embarks on a fantastic round-the-world quest to find his lost pet. Along the way, he meets lots of interesting people and sees many beautiful members of the cat family, including lions and tigers and panthers. But over and over again he has to say "This is not my cat!" until at last he finds the cat he’s looking for -- who has a delightful surprise for him.

    Eric Carle’s simple, repetitive text and distinctive cut-paper illustrations make this modern classic a book to treasure.

    Eric Carle is an internationally bestselling and award-winning author and illustrator of more than seventy books for very young children, including The Tiny Seed, Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me, and his most well-known title, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Born in Syracuse, New York, Eric Carle moved to Germany with his parents when he was six years old. He studied at the prestigious art school, the Akademie der Bildenden Künste, in Stuttgart, before returning to the United States, where he worked as a graphic designer for TheNew York Times and later as art director for an advertising agency. The Very Hungry Caterpillar, now considered a modern classic, has sold nearly fifty million copies and has been translated into sixty-five languages. With his late wife, Barbara, Eric Carle cofounded The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art in Amherst, Massachusetts in 2002. Eric Carle lives in the Florida Keys.)


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