書況補充說明: B自然泛黃書斑、髒污。
[商品主貨號] U102645458
[ISBN-13碼] 9780007158478
[ISBN] 0007158475
[作者] Dr. Seuss
[出版社] HarperCollinsChildren’sBooks
[出版日期] 2003/05/06
[內容簡介] (出版商制式文字, 不論標題或內容簡介是否有標示, 請都以『沒有附件、沒有贈品』為參考。)
• 2004 is the Seussentennial (100 years since the birth of Dr. Seuss)
• On-going PR and marketing campaign to mark this anniversary – library and bookshop birthday parties, blanket PR coverage, celebrity events
• Links with Macmillan Cancer's Hat Week in September 2004
• Flash-mobbing events in June 2004
Cross-promotions with UIP on the film 'The Cat in the Hat' film
• More brand awareness with 'The Cat in the Hat' VHS/DVD out August 2004
• Over half a billion books sold worldwide
• One of the UK's top ten favourite authors
• Dr. Seuss makes reading FUN!
• The bright new cover design incorporates much needed guidance on reading levels
• For 3-6 year olds)
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