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[商品主貨號] U101566506
[ISBN-13碼] 9781101947661
[ISBN] 1101947667
[作者] Tom Vanderbilt
[出版社] Knopf
[出版日期] 2016-05-10
[內容簡介] (出版商制式文字, 不論標題或內容簡介是否有標示, 請都以『沒有附件、沒有贈品』為參考。)
在這個數位時代,「按讚」、「喜歡」或是給星號,正不間斷地幫助我們做選擇。和過去比起來,現在我們、甚至是企業,透過更多方式了解網路如何支配我們的消費模式。如果你想知道Netflix如何推薦電影,如何識別假的Yelp評論,或是書籍為何總是在贏得大獎後,在Amazon上的評等就一落千丈,《You May Also Like》作者Tom Vanderbilt將可以告訴你這些問題的答案。
帶著貪婪的好奇心,Vanderbilt透過心理學、行銷學以及神經科學來回答這些複雜卻又引人入勝的問題。透徹的研究加上別出心裁的見地,《You May Also Like》不但提供讀者一個充滿樂趣的知性之旅,更能幫助我們深入理解、看待並欣賞我們所處的這個世界。
From the best-selling author of Traffic, a brilliant and entertaining exploration of our personal tastes--why we like the things we like, and what it says about us.
Everyone knows his or her favorite color, the foods we most enjoy, and which season of House of Cards deserves the most stars on Netflix. But what does it really mean when we like something? How do we decide what's good? Is it something biological? What is the role of our personal experiences in shaping our tastes? And how do businesses make use of this information? Comprehensively researched and singularly insightful, You May Also Like delves deep into psychology, marketing, and neuroscience to answer these complex and fascinating questions. From the tangled underpinnings of our food choices, to the dynamics of the pop charts and our playlists, to our nonstop procession of "thumbs" and "likes" and "stars," to our insecurity before unfamiliar works of art, the book explores how we form our preferences--and how they shape us. It explains how difficult it is, even for experts, to pinpoint exactly what makes something good or enjoyable, and how the success of companies such as Netflix, Spotify, and Yelp depends on the complicated task of predicting what we will enjoy. Like Traffic, this book takes us on a fascinating and consistently surprising intellectual journey that helps us better understand how we perceive and appreciate the world around us.
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