書況補充說明: D多處摺頁標籤、水痕、字跡、破損、髒污、泛黃書斑、書章。
[商品主貨號] U101953981
[ISBN-13碼] 9781292260464
[ISBN] 1292260467
[作者] Ron Larson;Betsy Farber
[出版社] Pearson Education Limited
[出版日期] 2019
[內容簡介] (出版商制式文字, 不論標題或內容簡介是否有標示, 請都以『沒有附件、沒有贈品』為參考。)
For courses in Introductory Statistics (algebra-based). Describing the world through statisticsElementary Statistics: Picturing the World makes statistics approachable with stepped-out instruction, extensive real-life examples and exercises, and a design that fits content to each page to make the material more digestible. The text's combination of theory, pedagogy, and design helps students understand concepts and use statistics to describe and think about the world.
The 7th Edition incorporates a thorough update of key features, examples, and exercises. MyLab (TM) Statistics is not included. Students, if MyLab Statistics is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN.
MyLab Statistics should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. Reach every student by pairing this text with MyLab StatisticsMyLab (TM) is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student.
By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student.)
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