書況補充說明: D多處摺頁標籤、水痕、字跡、破損、髒污、泛黃書斑、書章。
[商品主貨號] U102055265
[代售商品編號] 101023000799
[ISBN-13碼] 9781285463186
[ISBN] 1285463188
[作者] Jessica M. Utts
[出版社] Brooks Cole
[出版日期] 2015
[內容簡介] (出版商制式文字, 不論標題或內容簡介是否有標示, 請都以『沒有附件、沒有贈品』為參考。)
MIND ON STATISTICS, Fifth Edition, helps you develop a conceptual understanding of statistical ideas and shows you how to find meaning in data. The authors-who are committed to changing any preconception you may have about statistics being boring-engage your curiosity with intriguing questions, and explain statistical topics in the context of interesting, useful examples and case studies. You'll develop your statistical intuition by focusing on analyzing data and interpreting results, rather than on mathematical formulation. As a result, you'll build both your statistical literacy and your understanding of statistical methodology.)
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