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    【JSC】SDN and NFV Simplified: A Visual Guide to Understanding Software

    作者: Doherty,Jim
    出版社: Addison-WesleyProfessional
    ISBN: 9780134306407
    付款方式: 7-11付款取貨、Web ATM、信用卡一次付清
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      - 1~10本運費 $60 $40
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      -運費 $60
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      -運費 $120
    原價: 1229
    售價: 269
    商品編號: O_U102288519





    【EKU】改變未來20年最重要的20個視覺機器學習理論深讀_謝劍斌, 興軍亮, 張立甯, 方宇強, 李沛秦, 劉通, 閆瑋, 王勇, 沈傑
    【ELI】JavaScript 網頁程式設計超入門_狩野祐東
    【EOH】松本行弘談程式世界的未來_松本行弘,  Studio Tib.
    【EPK】The Art of Unit Testing_Osherove, Roy

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    書況補充說明: C字跡、外圍磨損、髒污、泛黃書斑、書章。








    [商品主貨號] U102288519

    [代售商品編號] 101008801099

    [ISBN-13碼] 9780134306407

    [ISBN] 0134306406

    [作者] Doherty, Jim

    [出版社] Addison-Wesley Professional

    [出版日期] 2016/03/02

    [內容簡介] (出版商制式文字, 不論標題或內容簡介是否有標示, 請都以『沒有附件、沒有贈品』為參考。)

    A Visual Guide to Understanding Software Defined Networks and Network Function Virtualization

    The simple, visual, at-a-glance guide to SDN and NFV: Core concepts, business drivers, key technologies, and more!

    SDN (Software Defined Networks) and NFV (Network Function Virtualization) are today’s hottest areas of networking. Many executives, investors, sales professionals, and marketers need a solid working understanding of these technologies, but most books on the subject are written specifically for network engineers and other technical experts. SDN and NFV Simplified fills that gap, offering highly visual, "at-a-glance" explanations of SDN, NFV, and their underlying virtualizations.

    Built around an illustrated, story-telling approach, this answers the questions: Why does this technology matter? How does it work? Where is it used? What problems does it solve?

    Through easy, whiteboard-style infographics, you’ll learn: how virtualization enables SDN and NFV; how datacenters are virtualized through clouds; how networks can also be virtualized; and how to maximize security, visibility, and Quality of Experience in tomorrow’s fully-virtualized environments.

    Step by step, you’ll discover why SDN and NFV technologies are completely redefining both enterprise and carrier networks, and driving the most dramatic technology migration since IP networking. That’s not all: You’ll learn all you need to help lead this transformation.

    Learn how virtualization establishes the foundation for SDN and NFV

    Review the benefits of VMs, the role of hypervisors, and the management of virtual resources

    Discover how cloud technologies enable datacenter virtualization

    Understand the roles of networking gear in virtualized datacenters

    See VMWare VMotion and VXLAN at work in the virtualized datacenter

    Understand multitenancy and the challenges of "communal living"

    Learn how core network functions and appliances can be virtualized

    Ensure performance and scalability in virtualized networks

    Compare modern approaches to network virtualization, including OpenFlow, VMWare Nicera, Cisco Inseieme, and OpenStack

    Walk through the business case for SDN, NFV, and the Cloud

    Discover how the Software Defined Network (SDN) solves problems previously left unaddressed

    Understand SDN controllers-and who’s fighting to control your network

    Use SDN and NFV to improve integration and say goodbye to "truck rolls"

    Enforce security, avoid data leakage, and protect assets through encryption

    Provide for effective monitoring and consistent Quality of Experience (QoE)

    Learn how SDN and NFV will affect you-and what’s next

    Jim Doherty has more than 17 years of engineering and marketing experience across a broad range of networking, security, and technology companies. Focusing on technology strategy, product positioning, and marketing execution, Jim has held leadership positions for Cisco Systems, Certes Networks, Ixia, and Ericsson Mobile. Currently, he is the SVP of Sales and Marketing for Percona.

    Doherty is also the creator and co-author of the Networking Simplified series of books, which includes Cisco Networking Simplified, Home Networking Simplified, and several other titles. He has also written books on mobile security and other networking topics.

    Jim is a former U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from North Carolina State University and an MBA from Duke University. Jim lives in Raleigh, North Carolina, with his wife and two children.)


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