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    【BCW】Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know_Horowitz, Alexa

    作者: Horowitz,Alexandra
    出版社: ScribnerBookCompany
    ISBN: 9781416583431
    付款方式: 7-11付款取貨、Web ATM、信用卡一次付清
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      - 1~10本運費 $60 $40
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      -運費 $60
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    原價: 389
    售價: 349
    商品編號: O_U102409668






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    書況補充說明: D多處摺頁標籤、水痕、字跡、破損、髒污、泛黃書斑、書章。








    [商品主貨號] U102409668

    [ISBN-13碼] 9781416583431

    [ISBN] 1416583432

    [作者] Horowitz, Alexandra

    [出版社] Scribner Book Company

    [出版日期] 2010/09/28

    [內容簡介] (出版商制式文字, 不論標題或內容簡介是否有標示, 請都以『沒有附件、沒有贈品』為參考。)

    The #1 New York Times bestselling book from the author of The Year of the Puppy that asks what dogs know and how they think. The answers will surprise and delight you as Alexandra Horowitz, a cognitive scientist, explains how dogs perceive their daily worlds, each other, and that other quirky animal, the human.

    Horowitz introduces the reader to dogs’ perceptual and cognitive abilities and then draws a picture of what it might be like to be a dog. What’s it like to be able to smell not just every bit of open food in the house but also to smell sadness in humans, or even the passage of time? How does a tiny dog manage to play successfully with a Great Dane? What is it like to hear the bodily vibrations of insects or the hum of a fluorescent light? Why must a person on a bicycle be chased? What’s it like to use your mouth as a hand? In short, what is it like for a dog to experience life from two feet off the ground, amidst the smells of the sidewalk, gazing at our ankles or knees?

    Inside of a Dog explains these things and much more. The answers can be surprising--once we set aside our natural inclination to anthropomorphize dogs. Inside of a Dog also contains up-to-the-minute research--on dogs’ detection of disease, the secrets of their tails, and their skill at reading our attention--that Horowitz puts into useful context. Although not a formal training guide, Inside of a Dog has practical application for dog lovers interested in understanding why their dogs do what they do. With a light touch and the weight of science behind her, Alexandra Horowitz examines the animal we think we know best but may actually understand the least. This book is as close as you can get to knowing about dogs without being a dog yourself.

    Alexandra Horowitz is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know; Being a Dog: Following the Dog into a World of Smell; and Our Dogs, Ourselves. She teaches at Barnard College, where she runs the Dog Cognition Lab. She lives with her family and two large, highly sniffy dogs, one cat, and one puppy in New York City.)


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